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Proven Accuracy

Some Research Results:

Dr. David M. Berkson regarding study on Blood Pressure Computer as conducted by the Chicago Department of Health and reported in the American Journal of Public Health states:

"Our results indicate that when the machine and a trained observer measure blood pressure simultaneously, there is very good agreement."

SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute) - report of Joseph H. Chadwick, Ph.D., Director, Health Systems Programs:

"The machine appears to me to be as good as a well-trained blood pressure technician."

Dr. R. Patterson Russell, Associate Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins Medical Institution, Director of Hypertension Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Chairman of the High Blood Pressure Commission of Maryland, states the following in "Preventive Medicine," the official Journal of the American Health Foundation:

"Blood pressure measurements correlated as well as did measurements by physicians and provided reliable determinations suitable for the purposes of screening, referral and monitoring of treatment."

Andrew H. Nara, M.D., Ph.D., FA.C.C., F.C.C.P., Associate Professor of Medicine and practicing cardiologist at University Hospitals of Cleveland in Ohio.

"The 90550 clinical trial was properly designed and executed via ANSI/AMMI SP10-1992 standards. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure performance of the machine met the current requirements."

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